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Fat Transfer Body

Dr. Taek Kim's PROFILE

As the face matures over time, there is an inevitable loss and volume depletion of the natural facial fat which contributes to the appearance of an aging face. To restore lost facial volume and contour, fat transfer can be an excellent method to replenish youthful contours, with the added benefit of improvement in skin texture and tone. Fat transfer is truly 100% natural and has been performed for decades in the correction of facial defects.

Essentially, fat transfer is the process taking fat from one area of your body where it is plentiful (for example, the abdomen or thigh) and transferring it to an area of volume loss in the face. Transferring a patient’s own fat is an ideal volume source as there are no allergic reactions, it is readily available, it is relatively inexpensive, and can be used to treat a variety of conditions including facial fullness loss, as well as post-surgical defects and post-traumatic defects. Compared to injectable facial fillers, fat transfers are a more involved procedure because the fat must be harvested from another part of the body.

However, unlike injectable fillers, fat transfers can be used in larger volumes and have much longer-lasting results, filling out the face with much more youthful contours.

Compared to injectable facial fillers, fat transfers are a more involved procedure because the fat must be harvested from another part of the body. However, unlike injectable fillers, fat transfers can be used in larger volumes and have much longer-lasting results, filling out the face with much more youthful contours.

Before and After Fat Transfer Body

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